• Operation Time1 hour
  • HospitalizationNone
  • AnesthesiaSedation
  • Clinic Visit2-3 times
  • Stitch RemovalAfter 10 days
  • RecoveryAfter 5~7 days

Endotine Forehead Lift

As you age, your eyebrows and eyelids droop and your vision becomes stuffy, causing you to lift your eyebrows, which leads to more severe wrinkles on your forehead. Droopy eyebrows make you look tired and depressed, and the deeper your forehead wrinkles and eyebrows are, the older you look. In the past, a long incision used to be done along the hairline to fix the stretched skin and muscles upward, but recently, due to the scar, decreased sensation, bruises, and swelling, forehead lift using an endoscope is performed through 2~3 small incisions (about 1.5cm) made at the back of the hairline.

What is Endotine?

It is the most widely used implant in the world that is specialized for lifting treatment. It was approved by the FDA in 2003. It has a strong lifting effect by fixing and pulling the skin tissue to the prickles on the implant. Inserted endotine is absorbed within a year, but the lifting effect remains semi-permanent. In addition, the scar is almost invisible due to minimal incisions for endoscopic injections and the recovery is fast.


Characteristics of Wannabe's Endotine Forehead Lift

- Using endoscopes minimizes nerve and blood vessel damage, enabling safe and fast recovery. - There is no need to worry about scars as minimal incision is done on the inner side of the hair - There is very a low possibility of side effects such as hypoesthesia of forehead and scalp, alopecia, and etc - The procedure only takes 50min~1hr and there is almost no swelling or bruising with fast recovery - Multi-point fixing is possible and the effect is semi-permanent - Swelling is greatly reduced by minimizing damages in blood vessels or lymphatic vessels - Frown lines can also be improved because wrinkle-causing muscles are weakened by the endoscope.

Recommended for

- Those who have severe brow sagging that cannot be improved with just double eyelid surgery - Those whose eyebrows and eyes are very closely located, making their double eyelids disappear easily - Those with thick eyelid skin which makes their eyes look swollen all the time - Those who have facial asymmetry due to uneven eyebrow levels

Surgery Method

Make three small incisions (1.5 cm long) vertically inside the scalp.
Using an endoscope, carefully detach the forehead, glabella, and temple area while avoiding damage to nerves and blood vessels.
Fix the endotine to the periosteum, pull the forehead skin and muscles upward, fix them to the prickles on the endotine, and suture up.
Changed look after surgery – not only forehead, frown lines, and wrinkles around the eyes are improved, but also drooping eyebrows are lifted to make the eyelid skin thinner.

Before / After Pictures

Endotine Forehead Lift

Endotine Forehead Lift + Upper Blepharopalsty

Endotine Forehead Lift + Lower Blepharoplasty

SMS quick consultation

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Operating Hours

Weekdays AM 10:00 - PM 7:00

Weekends AM 10:00 - PM 5:00

SYH Tower 1st floor, 107, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (Exit from Sinsa Station on Line 3 Exit 7 Right in front) Name of the Medical Institution: Wannabe Plastic Surgery Corporate Registration Number: 211-09-48325 Name of the Representative: Cha Myung Kyu and 1 other Email : wannabeps@gmail.com