• Operation Time2 hours
  • HospitalizationNone
  • AnesthesiaSedation/Local
  • Clinic Visit2 times
  • Stitch RemovalAfter 7 days, 14 days
  • RecoveryAfter 7 days

Wide Nasal Bridge

This is the case where the nose looks big due to the wide nasal bone width. Nasal bone width can be reduced by osteotomy, making the nose look much sharper and sophisticated.

Surgery Method

*Wide nasal bone width
Through medial and lateral osteotomy method, the osteotomy is done on the inner and outer side of the nasal bone to gather it inward.
*Wide nasal tip
Thin and refined nose shape can be made by tip plasty or alarplasty.

Before / After Pictures

Wide nasal bridge

SMS quick consultation

If you agree to the privacy policy, you can consult immediately.

Operating Hours

Weekdays AM 10:00 - PM 7:00

Weekends AM 10:00 - PM 5:00

SYH Tower 1st floor, 107, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (Exit from Sinsa Station on Line 3 Exit 7 Right in front) Name of the Medical Institution: Wannabe Plastic Surgery Corporate Registration Number: 211-09-48325 Name of the Representative: Cha Myung Kyu and 1 other Email : wannabeps@gmail.com