• Operation Time1 hour
  • HospitalizationNone
  • AnesthesiaSedation/Local
  • Clinic Visit1 time
  • Stitch RemovalAfter 7 days
  • RecoveryAfter 3 days

Alar Reduction

Alarplasty reduces the excessively big or wide alar (nosewings).

Recommended for

- Those with wide and big alar - Those with big nostrils

Surgery Method

*Wide alar base
Since the alar base needs to be reduced, the burial method is used to make a knot on both ends of the nose.
*Wide nostrils or thick alar skin
Alarplasty is performed to remove some part of the excessive skin.
※ There are cases where both alar base reduction and alarplasty are required.

Before / After Pictures

Alar reduction

SMS quick consultation

If you agree to the privacy policy, you can consult immediately.

Operating Hours

Weekdays AM 10:00 - PM 7:00

Weekends AM 10:00 - PM 5:00

SYH Tower 1st floor, 107, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (Exit from Sinsa Station on Line 3 Exit 7 Right in front) Name of the Medical Institution: Wannabe Plastic Surgery Corporate Registration Number: 211-09-48325 Name of the Representative: Cha Myung Kyu and 1 other Email : wannabeps@gmail.com