• Operation Time2 hours
  • HospitalizationNone
  • AnesthesiaSedation/Local
  • Clinic Visit2 times
  • Stitch RemovalAfter 7 days, 14 days
  • RecoveryAfter 7 days

Functional Rhinoplasty

A nose is a very important structure that determines the outline of the face, but it is also a very important organ for breathing. Therefore, it is important to perform surgery considering not only cosmetic but also functional aspects of rhinoplasty. The most common symptom in the functional part of the nose is nasal congestion, and symptoms can be improved only when treated separately depending on the cause of the nasal congestion.

01. Hypertrophic/allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is commonly treated with medications, but chronic rhinitis is a case in which the mucous membrane thickens and causes hypertrophy in the inferior turbinate, which controls the temperature and humidity of the air inhaled into the nose, and cannot be treated with simple drug use. In this case, there is also a way to reduce the size of the inferior turbinate mucous membrane or resection of an outer fracture of the turbinate, but recently, treatment is performed using a high-frequency device called a coblator that causes less bleeding and allows for fast recovery.

02. Septal deviation

It is a deviated septum, and the narrowing of the air passage due to the deviation of the septal cartilage or bone is usually the case. This way, symptoms can be alleviated by submucosal resection or septoplasty to remove part of the severely deviated part of the septal cartilage and bone.

03. Internal valve stenosis

Internal valve stenosis is a condition caused by superolateral cartilage that belongs to the roof of the nasal cavity or inner measure formed by the nasal tip cartilage that narrows the size of the outer valve. In this case, by transplanting cartilage in areas that have narrowed down to expand the space, nasal congestion can be improved.

Procedures for Functional Rhinoplasty Covered by Insurance

Visit the clinic and accurately diagnose the condition through examination

Check the diagnosis and surgery code with the insurance company for the availability and amount of payment

Check and prepare billing documents with the insurance company

Proceed with surgery

The clinic issues necessary documents and patients can submit them to the insurance company

Receive insurance money after examination is completed

Cha's Nose Surgery Establish surgical plans through accurate and precise diagnosis through state-of-the-art 3D-CT equipment.
Successful rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty requires an accurate diagnosis. Wannabe Plastic Surgery accurately and precisely diagnoses and analyzes the width of the nasal bone, deviation, nasal congestion, shape, and size of septal cartilage, septal deviation, nose condition requiring revision surgery, condition of the implant and cartilage, etc. through PaX Reve 3D-CT. Wannabe Plastic Surgery makes sure all patients take a 3D-CT scan prior to all rhinoplasty consultations.

Recommended for

- Those who want a functional correction as well as cosmetic surgery at the same time - Those who have a hard time breathing due to nasal congestion - Those who have a frequent migraine due to nasal congestion

Before / After Pictures

Functional rhinoplasty

SMS quick consultation

If you agree to the privacy policy, you can consult immediately.

Operating Hours

Weekdays AM 10:00 - PM 7:00

Weekends AM 10:00 - PM 5:00

SYH Tower 1st floor, 107, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (Exit from Sinsa Station on Line 3 Exit 7 Right in front) Name of the Medical Institution: Wannabe Plastic Surgery Corporate Registration Number: 211-09-48325 Name of the Representative: Cha Myung Kyu and 1 other Email : wannabeps@gmail.com